Saturday, July 31, 2010

Bipolar and Schizophrenia: Are Both Disorders the Same?

For years, psychiatrists and medical professionals have said that bipolar disorder and schizophrenia are two very distinct mental illnesses. This idea came from a world-renowned German psychiatrist named Emil Kraepelin. Eric Kraepelin has said that bipolar disease and schizophrenia are two very different mental disorders. Up until today, the separation of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia is still being practiced by psychiatrists.

However, you have to consider that bipolar disorder and schizophrenia is very difficult to distinguish from each other. Both have the same signs and symptoms and psychiatrist often makes mistakes when diagnosing a patient with one of the disorders.

Today, there are certain methods developed to clearly distinguish both diseases. Psychiatrists and brain specialists all over the world have determined that bipolar disorder and schizophrenia have distinct signs and symptoms where they can base their diagnosis from.

The first thing you have to consider is that patients with bipolar disorder can experience a schizophrenia-like delusions and hallucinations. However, bipolar disorder has a chronic form of the illness. However, it is still very difficult to distinguish both diseases from one another.

Schizophrenia disorder has been found that it also contains signs and symptoms of bipolar disorder, which includes depressive episodes and sometimes manic episodes. As you can see, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia is very hard to distinguish from one another. In fact, there have been several cases where psychiatrists and specialists have made a mistake in diagnosing their patients. There are some cases where severe schizophrenia disorders have the same signs and symptoms of bipolar disorders and even the same frequency of manic and depressive episodes.

Further studies and research have found that schizophrenia and bipolar disorder is a form of genetic illness. So, this means that finding out about the genetics of the person, psychiatrists and brain specialists can find a significant distinction of both disorders. Today, there are now available treatments for both disorders that can effectively help you in managing schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. The treatment for both disorders can be in a form of psychotherapy and is usually combined with medications that can change the brain's biochemistry.

The medications combined with the psychotherapy sessions can help in stabilizing the brain functions and lessen the effect of the signs and symptoms in your life. It is important to remember that bipolar disorder and schizophrenia is often misdiagnosed. This will also mean that the patient can be given the wrong medication for their illness. You have to consider the fact that there are different medications for bipolar disorder and in schizophrenia.

Today, one of the most popular medications given to schizophrenic is called Clorazil. This medication is specially made for schizophrenics in order for them to control their brain functions. On the other hand, people suffering from bipolar illness are usually prescribed with a medication called Lithium. Lithium is a very effective medicine that can prevent manic episodes from recurring. For fast cycling bipolar illness, the medicine usually prescribed by specialists is called Valproic acid. This is also a great medication for regular cycling bipolar illness.

It is often very hard to distinguish bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. This is why it is very important for you to choose a doctor, a psychiatrist or a specialist that is reputable in the field of mental diseases. By choosing the right doctor, you can be sure that you will be treated with the right treatment and medications with your illness. It is very important that both bipolar disorder and schizophrenia should be detected as early as possible in order for the treatment to be more effective.

You have to consider that both illnesses can mentally cripple you and make you an unproductive member of the society. By letting the mental illness develop without getting it treated, it will worsen in time and can significantly affect your way of life.

So, if you or a member of your family is showing early signs of manic or depressive symptoms, you should immediately consult your doctor about it. They will be able to refer you to a reputable specialist in brain disorders. The specialists will be able to determine if it is either schizophrenia or bipolar disorder and administer the proper treatment for the disorder.

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Friday, July 30, 2010

Taking a Bipolar Online Quiz is Important

School children often dreads the hour when a quiz is given by their teacher, especially the ones who didn't study their lessons. As a child grows, he or she still has to keep up with various examinations done in and out of the classroom.

What's in an examination or a quiz that most individuals fear? Well, if it's just a quiz for a school subject, you will only worry about the grades that you will get. But what if it's a quiz about your mental health?

A lot of people shy away from the subject of mental illness. Having a mental illness of some sort does not make you insane. That's the common misconception that people has to live with. Oftentimes, they are ashamed to let other people know that they have a problem. And if you're diagnosed with bipolar disorder, there's really no reason to be afraid or ashamed about it.

Bipolar patients have extreme episodes or mood swings, and though these things may not affect them, it can be very alarming to their family members. Friends, co-workers, relatives, and neighbors may also notice the mood swings especially if it's already severe. The symptoms felt by bipolar patients are not the same all throughout. It differs from one individual to another. Others can experience mild symptoms while others have to go through severe episodes.

Bipolar disorder does not choose its patients. Men and women can have this illness because of certain factors. Though further studies are still underway, factors like genetics, biochemistry, environmental events, and seasons can cause bipolar disorder.

Not all people are aware that they have the disorder. In fact, a great number of bipolar sufferers are not yet diagnosed. Most bipolar patients were diagnosed with the illness only after years of having it. If bipolar remains untreated, it can cause major disruptions in his or her everyday life; whether at home, at work, or in any other place. With the right professional attention, the bipolar patient can receive treatment and/or medication that are necessary to control their symptoms. Bipolar disorder cannot be cured; it can only be controlled and stabilized.

Bipolar disorder is not well-known to the public. In fact, according or many surveys, a lot of people are not even thinking about mood disorders. For every five respondent, 80% did not even address it as an illness or disorder. Most college students and people in their 40's are aware of the disorder, but other age groups have very little knowledge about bipolar and mood disorders.

This may be one reason why many cases of bipolar disorder are left undiagnosed. Many individuals may regard their condition as simple mood swings. When mood swings are already extreme, then you'd better think twice.

The internet is a great avenue to help you in your problem. Try to observe the symptoms that you're exhibiting, and if you think you have the disorder, you can look into online quizzes. There are many sites that feature bipolar quizzes and you can use the search engines available like Google and Yahoo.

By taking several online depression quizzes, you will find out the different symptoms associated with bipolar disorder. And after the quiz, you will get the results easily. Bipolar online quizzes usually asks the following questions:

- Are you suffering from extreme changes in mood?
- Do you have a family member with bipolar?
- Have you experienced the symptoms in intervals?

If after a careful self-evaluation you think that you do have bipolar, then perhaps it's time to visit a doctor. You have to consult the right person with the right background, and those that have dealt with bipolar disorder in the past. A psychiatrist can also help you in your struggle. They can provide you with the right medication and treatment that will work for you.

Bipolar quizzes are a great way to assess your situation. Mild mood swings are natural and should not be a cause of worry. However, quizzes like this can't give you an accurate diagnosis. Bipolar is difficult to diagnose, that is why a lot of diagnosis are delayed. The symptoms felt by a bipolar patient can mimic those of other illnesses. Professional diagnosis is required. Take a quiz, and know your state.

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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Diagnosed with Bipolar Mood Disorder? Start Mending Fences Now

It's easier to face the hardships of life when your love ones are there for you. If an individual suffers from an illness, the first ones to assist him in his situation is his dear family. That is why many people are counting on family members and relatives especially if they're going through a difficult phase.

What happens if you're diagnosed with bipolar mood disorder? Just as the word suggests, it's a mood disorder. For some time, you might have observed your mood swings. Oftentimes, other family members can notice these things easily but they don't give it much importance. When the behavior becomes radical, this can already cause a disruption in the family or even at work.

Whenever you have an episode, you will likely do abnormal things, and you can even hurt your love ones. You tend to make wrong or bad decisions which are hard to fix. Trying to pick-up pieces after an episode is really hard. This is probably why most bipolar patients want to isolate themselves and are ashamed to come face to face with their family members and friends. But isolation will only make things a lot worse.

Instead of closing your doors to the people that greatly cares and loves you, you have to reach out to them. Reach out to the people you've hurt and try to explain what happened. Making apologies is the best way and tell them that you're already seeking help.
Once a person is diagnosed with the disorder, his or her instant reaction is to deny it and not inform others. Sharing the knowledge of the disorder with others can be very hard. And not every bipolar patient thinks of it as an excellent idea. But with the aid of your therapist or doctor, you can arrive at a better decision.

Keeping things secret is not good, especially if it's about bipolar. In fact, it can be very harmful in the long run. It would be better to inform trusted family members and friends so that they will understand the situation.

Bipolar disorder can greatly affect an individual, and the worst thing that can happen is suicide. There are facts that you need to be aware of if you have bipolar disorder like:

1. Suicide attempts usually occur during mixed or depressed episodes
2. Some suicide happens during or after coming out a mania or depressive episode; and this happens when the patient is feeling a lot better
3. 25 to 50 percent of bipolar patients attempts suicide at least once
4. One out of five bipolar patients commits suicide
5. Patients who misuse drugs and alcohol are at a greater suicide risk
If a bipolar patient has suicidal tendencies, his condition requires control of the symptoms. Suicidal thoughts are not really 'you' as a person, but can be associated with the symptoms of bipolar disorder. This is a sign which means that you need professional attention. The thoughts will not go away alone, what you need is a proper treatment and/or medication.

As part of a treatment regimen, you need to build your own support network. You have to use your available resources to get a good start. Your support foundation can consist of family members, friends, therapists, doctor, and members of the community (local or national). You're at the community's center and acts as a driving force. You can build or maintain this community with the support of the people around you.

Your support group knows your feelings and thoughts. These people have encountered and struggled with the same problems. People with the same disorder can give you practical advice and support. They will teach you coping skills, how to open up, and understand your situation completely. You can also arrange for a meeting with fellow bipolar patients.

You must remember that treatments and medications are greatly needed in your condition. And to make things a lot better, finding a support group can help you in living a normal life. Don't sulk in your home. There are a lot of people out there who cares about you. All you have to do is to reach out to them, make them feel that you're exerting an effort to make things a lot better for you, your family, and the community as a whole.

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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Right Medicine for Bipolar

Mood swings are strongly associated with women because compared to men, they are unpredictable. Men also exhibit mood swings, but they are not that noticeable. Occasional mood swings can still be accepted and it's but normal to encounter these things. But that about radical mood swings or emotional changes? Don't you think it's high time that you consult a doctor or a psychiatrist?

When people hear 'consulting with a psychiatrist', they think of it negatively. They think that only those with mental illnesses consult with these professionals. But did you know that it's one of the best ways to address your problem effectively?

Yes, by consulting with a doctor or psychiatrist, your condition can be evaluated and the extent of the disorder can be determined. You will be given the right medication and a treatment that should be followed in order to stabilize your condition.

Once you have bipolar disorder, like it or not, it's there to stay. You have to deal with unending episodes day in and day out. You need not fear this situation because it can be controlled, though not totally cured. With the help of medications, you're on your way to a normal life again.

Bipolar disorder onsets usually during the adolescence and the early 20's and the disorder is quite complex, thereby delaying accurate diagnosis for a couple of years. This is a great disadvantage for the bipolar patient because it would take years before he can receive treatment or medication.

Psychologists or psychiatrists diagnose and treat bipolar disorder. It would usually start with an interview and a clinical inventory or scale to assess the mental status and bipolar symptoms of the patient. The following are the clinical procedures that need to undertaken:


The tests mentioned above can be done in outpatient settings or in hospitals, either in writing or verbally. Mental illnesses and bipolar disorder are diagnosed using the guidelines contained in DSM-IV. According to this guideline, bipolar disorder is an unusually irritable or elevated mood that lasts for about a week together with three mania symptoms. However, four symptoms will be required just in case the person is irritable.

Adolescents and children present symptoms differently. Children exhibit psychotic features that are often misdiagnosed as schizophrenia. They are more aggressive and irritable, instead of being elated. The symptoms are also ongoing and chronic compared to adults that experience it in episodes.

Treatments of bipolar disorder are usually administered with medications. Mood stabilizers are used in combination with antipsychotics, antidepressants, and anticonvulsants. These medications regulate bipolar episodes.


Lithium. Oldest and frequently prescribed medication for bipolar disorder, but this is not recommended for patients having mixed mania. Sometimes, Lithium is used together with benzodiazepines or neuroleptics.

Carbamazepine. This is an anticonvulsant prescribed along with mood stabilizers. If the patient did not respond well with the lithium therapy, this medication can be used.

Valproate. If you're experiencing a rapid cycling of bipolar, this is a very effective medication. It can be used alone or in combination with other drugs.

Antidepressants may stimulate mania episodes in some patients, therefore used only for short term.

SSRIs. This is used to regulate depression and it includes flouxetine, sertaline, and paroxetine.

MAOIs. This drug blocks the monoamine oxidase's action; and to avoid side effects, you should not eat foods with high amounts of tyramine.

Electroconvulsive therapy. This is very successful in treating bipolar depression but this is employed only after pharmaceutical treatment options have been exhausted. The treatment is given together with anesthesia and muscle relaxant to avoid convulsions.

Neuroleptics. To control manic symptoms, drugs like haloperidol and chlorpromazine are used; but you must be aware that side effects are more severe with neuroleptics.

Counseling and Psychotherapy. Some experts claim that bipolar disorder is biological, and therefore, entails therapy. The therapy alone is not sufficient to substitute medications and so the patient must continue taking his medicines. It's a helpful tool for the patients and their families to encourage medication compliance and reduce suicide risks.

Bipolar medications are really important. When you're completely stabilized and controlled, don't stop taking medications. Remember that bipolar disorder is for a lifetime, and so you must continue with your medication and treatment.

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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Treating Your Disorder Successfully: Choose the Right Bipolar Medication

It is believed that knowledge is very important to fight bipolar disorder. Information can help in the recovery of a person and foster acceptance of one's self and relate to other people within a community. The motivation of patients to communicate with their health care providers has a greater chance of attaining a successful result. There was even a documented report that patients with chronic illnesses felt better because they had regular doctor visits.

There is an estimated two million Americans who are affected by this manic-depressive disorder. This is often disruptive and distressing similar to other serious disorders. It is also difficult to handle for spouses, friends, family members, and employers. They must cope up with some severe behavioral problems like uncontrollable spending sprees and its long-term consequences.

A bipolar disorder pertains to a brain disorder that is considered a serious problem. It is an illness of the mind involving serious episodes of depression and mania. The mood swings of a person ranges from extremely irritable and high to hopeless and sad, and vice versa. However, in between this swings, normal mood and behavior still occurs.

This type of disorder normally begins in early adulthood or adolescence and goes on throughout life. The only problem is that this is not recognized as a disease and a person affected by a bipolar disorder needlessly suffers for years and even for decades.

A bipolar disorder is believed to be inherited. It runs in families in most cases. However, in spite of vigorous research, a specified genetic defect related with the illness is not yet determined. A child below twelve years old can be already diagnosed with a bipolar disorder. Although, this is not very common for this age range, careful analysis is important since it can be misinterpreted as an attention-deficit or hyperactivity disorder.

But keep in mind that several studies are conducted by doctors of various universities in the United States to discover the brain's activity associated with bipolar disorder to develop a successful treatment plan. Treatments that are effective are widely available and greatly alleviate sufferings brought by a bipolar disorder. It also prevents devastating complications such as job loss, drug and alcohol abuse, marital breakups, and suicide.

All people affected by a bipolar disorder especially those people with severe cases can get substantial stabilization regarding mood swings. One medication which is very effective is lithium. It can control mania and prevent recurrence of depressive and manic episodes. Recently, mood anticonvulsants valproate and carbamazepine are found very useful for treating refractory episodes of a bipolar disorder. Typically, these medicines are mixed with lithium to get maximum effect.

Anticonvulsants medicines are theorized by some scientists as promoters of kindling on a person affected by a bipolar disorder. It is a process wherein the brain increasingly became stress sensitive and eventually starts to manifests abnormal activity episodes without the stressor. Thus lithium is blocking the kindling process early stages in which valproate and carbamazepine act later. Valproate has been approved recently by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) for treating acute mania.

Adolescents and children having a bipolar disorder are treated generally with lithium. However, valproate and carbamazepine are also utilized. Benzodiazepine with high potency such as lorazepam and clonazepam are also helpful for insomnia. Another valuable form of treatment is the thyroid augmentation.

Various kinds of antidepressants are useful for treating depression especially when mixed with valproate, carbamazepine, or lithium. ECT or electroconvulsive therapy is helpful for treating mixed mania and severe depression which failed to respond on certain medications.

Psychotherapy is another good option. It provides support, guidance, and education not only to the patient but also to her or his family. Mood chart is also vital. In this way, mood swings are kept in track. Whatever patterns that are created, the illness are correctly assessed with the help of a health care provider. Thus an effective strategic plan is developed to handle mood swings successfully.

Since, manic-depressive disease is recurrent, a prolonged prophylactic treatment is recommended. A bipolar disorder that is untreated having occasional hypomania episodes and repetitive depressions is called bipolar II.

However, regardless of choosing either the accepted or fought mind frame, a bipolar disorder's nature demands patients to participate in the treatment process.

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Monday, July 26, 2010

Say No to Ignorance: Learn the Two Types of Bipolar Manic Depression

Bipolar depression can be distinguished in a person if a single manic episode is present. Moreover, it is assumed as a chronic disease since a greater population of persons who have manifestations of one episode can portray more episodes in the days to come. However, the statistics stated that the average episodes within a year must be only four, provided that no preventive treatment was been applied.

Every person having a bipolar depression displayed unique patterns of combining depression, manic episodes, and mood cycles. But if these patterns are identified, the episodes become predictable. Some studies reveal that genetics has a strong influence in developing a bipolar depression. Normally, the disorder can be detected in adolescent stage or early adulthood. Once affected, it can last a lifetime since the condition is episodic.

Many people are not well informed about bipolar disorder. They do not know that it has two major types, the Bipolar I and Bipolar II. The distinguishing factor among the two types lies whether or not a manic episode is present in a person. One should understand depressive episodes and manic episodes to determine the differences.

Depressive episodes are characterized by different symptoms. It includes weight gain or weight loss, total absence or diminished happiness and pleasure, relentless depressed mood, fatigue, excessive guilt, feelings of unworthiness, need to sleep well, reduced concentration, inability to think better, frequent thoughts of suicide or death, restlessness, and slow movement of the body.

If a person is experiencing at least five of the depressive symptoms such as lack of interest in the activities once enjoyed, depressed mood, and others for a minimum of two weeks, then he or she is manifesting a depressive episode. Keep in mind that these symptoms are caused either by impairment or significant distress not by alcohol and drug abuse or medical conditions to be considered as a depressive episode.

Likewise, manic episodes have also different symptoms. These are racing thoughts, chattiness, need to reduce sleep, flying ideas, distractibility, and magnified self-confidence. Others include increased enthusiasm for activities that are goal-directed, and superfluous extreme involvement in enjoyable activities including sexual indiscretions or wild shopping,

According to DSM IV (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual) of the APA (American Psychiatric Association), once mood disturbances are experienced by a person such as persistent, unexplained euphoria together with three symptoms or more for a minimum of one week, thus affecting the ability of the person to function properly and become productive, then he or she is displaying a manic episode. These symptoms must not be caused by medical conditions or drug abuse to belong in the criteria of a manic episode.

Look closely on Bipolar I and Bipolar II disorders. A person is having a Bipolar I disorder if he or she experiences a single manic episode along with a depression episode. A person is having a Bipolar II disorder if he or she experiences at least a single hypomania episode without the presence of manic episodes. Never be confused. The only difference is that one of the symptoms of a manic episode is experienced by a person having a Bipolar I disorder.

It should not be mistaken that bipolar disorder is classified into two types to grade the severity of the above mentioned symptoms. Bipolar I and Bipolar II are used only to differentiate how a person experienced a manic episode. The classification of the disorders is based on the occurrence degree of the mania than the impairment levels causing the disorder.

Bipolar disorder affects every person differently. The people who have been diagnosed with a Bipolar I disorder have displayed different degrees of distress, impairment, and adaptation. Large spectrum of variations on each level can be determined. This case is also similar for those people who are affected by a Bipolar II disorder.

It is advisable to learn everything about the mental disorder in case you are diagnosed with a bipolar disorder or know someone having the disorder. Talk to a doctor to find useful information and appropriate treatment. Educating oneself regarding bipolar disorder can also help your family, friends, and other important person in your life to also learn. Never forget that this is your first step to recover and live a more healthy life.

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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Bipolar Disorder: Symptoms of Mania in Manic-Depressive Illness

There are many people today that are unaware or little informed about a very serious brain condition that can affect their daily life. This condition can cause difficulties in controlling ones mood that can result in having relationship problems, and can make their performance at work or at school deteriorate.

Many people consider that having a good physical health is enough in order to live a normal and productive lifestyle. What most people neglect to consider is that they should also be aware about their mental health where they may never know if they are already suffering from a serious bran disorder called bipolar disorder or sometimes called as manic-depressive illness.

This particular disorder can affect a person's mood which can include unusually excessive highs and lows in their mood. This means that people with bipolar disorder experiences different moods, such as excessive happiness, and excessive depression in cycles. What this suggests is that people with bipolar disorder can experience being depressed or being euphoric at no reason at all. It just happens.

You have to consider that this particular condition can cause difficulty for a person to live a normal and productive life. This is because of the symptoms that they experience can be very disabling and can affect how they think and how they make critical decisions and judgments. It is very important that you should consider the fact that bipolar disorder is a very serious mental disorder than can be disabling and in severe cases, can be lethal.

Bipolar disorder consists of two different classifications of symptoms. The person who is suffering from bipolar disorder may experience manic, depressive phases at a cycle process or both at the same time. In the manic episode, the person suffering from this illness will experience excessive euphoria. What this means is that the person will be at an unusually high mood.

Meaning, the person suffering from the manic episode associated with bipolar disorder will be full of energy. At this episode, the person suffering from bipolar disorder can experience racing thoughts. The racing thoughts symptom is not about thinking fast, but it is a condition where the sufferer will experience never ending thoughts. This means that you can't just make it stop. There will always be something in your head that you don't even want.

Racing thoughts may include memories about the past that just won't go away and is completely irrelevant to what you are doing. It may include parts of past conversation that you had with someone, parts of a movie or music, and it can even include hearing your own voice repeating some phrase over and over again.

Another symptom of mania associated with bipolar disorder is being unable to make good judgments. Since your thoughts are constantly on the go and won't stop, you will always be distracted. In turn, this will cause a person to become irritable. The symptom can last for a few minutes and in severe cases, it can last up to a week. As you can see, manic episodes can significantly affect your work or school performance because you can never concentrate on anything.

Your brain will constantly be active during the manic phase where it can also contribute into letting you think that you have a lot of energy and don't need any sleep. You have to consider that this is a particularly dangerous illness that immediately needs attention.

You have to remember that bipolar disorder has no cure. However, it can be treated up to the point where you will take control of your mood and your thoughts again. The treatment will consist of psychotherapy, where a psychiatrist will encourage you to talk and where he or she will teach you how to cop with it.

Usually, the psychotherapy is combined with special medication that can normalize the mood levels and decrease the effects of mood swings. You have to consider that bipolar disorder will also include depression. It is important that you should know all about the different signs and symptoms of this illness in order to be aware of it and know if you are one of the people affected with this illness.

These are some of the things you should remember about bipolar disorder. By knowing about the manic symptoms, you will know if you have one or not. It is important that once you detected the mentioned symptoms of mania mentioned, you should immediately consult your psychiatrist.

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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Is Your Child Suffering from Bipolar Disorder?

Diagnosis of bipolar disorder among children have never been made until only recently in the medical field. Before, the disorder was seen to emerge among unfortunate adolescents and adults, but with advancement in identification tests, the disorder can now be detected as early as childhood. Thus, early treatment can be started.

An early diagnosis of the disorder in children may give them a better chance in treatment. This will help them cope with the disease more properly, achieve character equilibrium, realize a top level of wellness, and grow up to be a self-aware and well rounded adult. With the right treatment, the disorder can be easily controlled and they may lead a normal happy life.

The prevalence of the disorder in children is suspected to be significant with those who are already diagnosed with ADHD (attention-deficit with hyperactivity disorder) in the United States. Children and adolescents who have suffered from relapsing depressions may be suffering from an early start-up of bipolar disorder except that the manic stage of the disorder has not yet occurred. The more epidemiological studies are conducted the more the medical world is becoming aware how common this disorder surface among children.

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that is characterized by extreme mood changes that includes depression and mania (extreme euphoria). But the disorder has some variations among children compared to those of the adults. Bipolar among children generally have constant mood alterations that is a combination of depression and mania in rapid cycles. Persistent irritability is caused by the rapid mood cycles as well as a few periods of wellness in between phases.

DSM-IV criteria (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual IV) are used to diagnose bipolar disorder among adults. Although there is no age limit when using the DSM-IV, there is no real specific criteria for children which makes it quite difficult to use.

The following are the common behaviors found in children afflicted with bipolar disorder:

- hyperactive, easily distracted
- authority problems
- extensively destructive temper
- insomnia alternating with oversleeping
- irritable
- depressed, apathetic, passive
- fast changing moods from a few hours to several days
- bedwetting
- delusions and hallucinations
- beliefs of grandiosity
- flight of ideas, extremely talkative
- extreme anxiety when separated from family even for a short period of time
- night time fears and tirades
- unsuitable sexual behavior
- extreme hunger for sweet food and carbohydrates

The disorder can also be noted during infancy. Parents of later bipolar diagnosed children frequently cite erratic behavior such as being unusually clingy and unmanageable tantrums reminiscent of seizures.

Like bipolar syndrome in adults, children or pediatric bipolar syndrome is classified into four: Bipolar I, Bipolar II, Cyclothymia, and Bipolar Disorder Not Otherwise Specified.

In Bipolar I, patients undergo interchanging episodes of extreme depression and psychotic mania.

Bipolar II, the patient undergoes moments of hypomania interchanging with moments of depression. Hypomania is sometimes attributed to immense creativity. Hypomania is manifested by irritable or elevated mood with an addition of enhanced mental and physical energy.

Cyclothymia is the form of disorder wherein the individual afflicted undergoes stages of milder but specific mood changes.

Lastly, Bipolar Disorder Not Otherwise Specified is the form of the disorder that the physicians are not able to classify in any of the above mentioned classifications. It is also characterized by manic-depressive mood swings but there are symptoms where the illness can not be either identified as Bipolar I, II, or Cyclothymia.

The parents who are worried about their child's welfare, specifically a child who talks about suicide, should have them evaluated and/or assessed by a legitimate professional who is an expert with psychiatric disorders and its treatments.

Concerned adults who believe one of their charges is afflicted with the disorder should take notes everyday of the child's behavior, sleeping patterns, speech, and strange events surrounding the child. These observations will importantly help the physician in their evaluations and find an appropriate treatment.

The disorder can be controlled through a combination of medication, close supervision of behavioral symptoms, psychotherapy for both the patient and the family, knowledge about the disorder, excellent nutrition, regular exercise and sleeping patterns, and lessening of stressful situations.

It is best if the parents and the medical professionals work hand in hand in the treatment of the child. The family's involvement in the treatment plan can lessen the intensity, incidence, and extent of episodes.

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Friday, July 23, 2010

A complete guide to bipolar illness

Bipolar illness is also known as manic-depressive illness. This is the disorder that involves incidents of serous depression and mania. Bipolar illness is characterized by sudden mood sways of a person which can abruptly shift from being highly irritable to being overly sad. The change from depression to mania and vice versa can occur in a very short period of time. The mood fluctuation in bipolar illness mainly follows a pattern for a person. Analyzing this pattern will help to foresee the next behavior of a person with bipolar illness.

There are certain signs that will help recognize mania from depression. When a person is in the state of mania, bipolar illness can be recognized through the following symptoms:

1. hyperactivity which leads to restlessness and talking rapidly
2. extremely high feelings
3. excessive irritability
4. fancy belief to unrealistic powers
5. poor judgment
6. increase of sexual urges
7. abuse of alcohol, cocaine and other drugs
8. aggressive behaviors
9. denial that something is wrong with him

However, when a person is in the state of depression, bipolar illness can be recognized through the following symptoms:

1. persistent sadness or anxious mood
2. pessimism
3. uncharacterized feelings of unworthiness and guilt
4. low sex drives
5. feeling of being exhausted even without physical activities
6. decrease in energy level even to ordinary activities
7. poor judgment
8. loss of appetite
9. chronic pains that are not due to physical illness
10. suicidal tendencies

Bipolar illness generally initiates in the adolescence period which is carried on throughout the person's life. The difficulty of this illness is that it cannot be readily recognized as an illness, rather counted on as attitude problem like hyperactivity or attention deficit disorders. Because of this, the person who has this illness suffers for a prolonged period and can even develop its complications such as drug and alcohol abuse, poor quality of job, marital break up or even suicidal tendencies. As of the records, two million Americans suffer the disruptive and distressing implications of bipolar illness.

The mood states of bipolar illness follow a spectrum. At an early stage of manic-depressive disorder, hypomania takes place. In this state, the person shows extreme level of energy that can result to reckless and impulsive behaviors. For the person suffering from bipolar illness, he is behaving rightly and will deny that anything is wrong. But for his family and friends, they can already recognize the unlikely behaviors of that person.

The early signs of bipolar illness can be mistaken to other problems such as caused by drug or alcohol abuse. In the latter process, the person can then experience full clinical depression.

There are various treatments to stabilize the mood of a person with bipolar illness.

The popularly known stabilizer is lithium. This is a helpful medication to control mania and the reoccurrence of both mania and depression episodes. In recent clinical techniques, carbamazepine and valproate are also used as anticonvulsants in cases of refractory episodes of bipolar illness. Scientists have tested the efficiency of anticonvulsant medications in the process of kindling. Kindling is the process when the brain gradually increases its sensitivity to stress, thus resulting to abnormal activities and behaviors. While lithium is found to block the kindling process in its early signs, carbamazepine and valproate work for the later stages. For the acute cases of mania, valproate drugs are recommended. These are approved treatments by the Food and Drug Administration. For those patients with severe bipolar illness and do not respond to these medications, the electroconvulsive therapy or ECT is of great value. This is an effective treatment even for severe depression mixed with frequent mania.

To counteract the effects of hyperactivity such as insomnia, benzodiazepines clonazepam and lorazepam are helpful medications. It is also important to make an analysis of the behavioral pattern of the patient as a tool in finding the right treatment to the symptoms of bipolar illness.

Bipolar illness is a mental disorder that should readily be treated before its further complications. Otherwise, repeated depression can occur and lead to another behavioral and mental problem. And in some cases, mania can be the major problem with occurrences of sudden depression. These are indications that a long term or prophylactic treatment is highly needed.

Learn The Real Truth About How To Cope, Manage And Control Bipolar Disorder And Live The High Quality, Fulfilling Life you Deserve!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Bipolar II Disorder: The Signs, Symptoms and Treatment to Cope Up With This Brain Disorder

In order to live a normal and productive life, you should have a healthy body. This is what most people often say and believe. However, what most people don't know is that they should also consider that their brain should also function normally. Besides, having a brain that doesn't function properly can affect the way you live your daily life.

Today, recent advances and research in psychiatry have found different kinds of brain disorders that can affect almost everyone. One such brain disorder is called bipolar disorder. This particular disorder can affect the way you control your mood or your emotion. Normally, there are some instances where you feel some ups and downs, depending on your environment. This means that when something happens that you like, you will feel happy or when something happens that you don't like, you will feel depressed. This is a normal reaction of your body.

However, a person suffering from bipolar disorder cannot control their mood. There will be a constant cycle of depressive and manic episodes where a person will feel excessively happy and excessively depressed at no reason at all. People suffering from bipolar disorder can seem unusually happy or sad at some intervals. Severe cases of bipolar disorder have been known to cause several noticeable mood swings in a single day.

As mentioned before, there are two episodes that a person suffering from bipolar disorder experiences. The first one is the manic episode where a person will feel extremely happy, feels that they have a lot of energy, feels that they don't need sleep and others. The person in the manic episode will usually talk very fast with racing thoughts that results in jumping from one idea to another. He or she will also be irritable and will not accept that there is something wrong.

In the depressive episode, the person will feel depressed and excessively sad. They will feel that they are useless, they will be irritable, they feel restless, they feel that they need to sleep, and in severe cases of bipolar disorder, they think about death and suicide where they can attempt to commit suicide.

As you can see, bipolar disorder is a very serious illness.

Another kind of bipolar disorder is called bipolar II. The symptoms are very much the same but the manic episode in bipolar II are not as severe as bipolar disorder. However, the depressive episode is the same or even worse in bipolar II. In the manic episode, the symptoms are not so severe that it can never really affect their daily life. They will still be able to function in their daily activities with no problem at all only that they will feel more energetic than normal.

However, the depressive episode in bipolar II is very much the same as bipolar disorder where the person suffering from bipolar II can suffer from the same symptoms as bipolar disorder. There are some cases where bipolar II is very severe that people with this condition attempted to commit suicide.

You have to consider that bipolar II is also a serious mental condition that needs attention in order for it to become stable and not get any worse.

First of all, bipolar and bipolar II cannot be cured. The technology to cure bipolar and bipolar II is not yet available. However, there are treatments that people should consider in order to help them cope up with bipolar disorder as well as bipolar II. The treatment will consist of psychotherapy, and medication. During the psychotherapy sessions, the family should get involved in order to let them understand about bipolar II and help them learn how to cope with it. The patient is also taught several methods to minimize the effects of the episodes associated with bipolar II mainly the depressive episode.

The psychotherapy can be strengthened by prescribing some medications that can normalize the mood of the patient. This means that the medication can help the patient prevent their brains to reach a depressive state or manic state.

These are some of the things that you should know about bipolar disorder and bipolar II. Always remember that it is essential that this condition should be detected early on by basing on the signs and symptoms in order to treat it as early as possible and prevent it from becoming worse.

Learn The Real Truth About How To Cope, Manage And Control Bipolar Disorder And Live The High Quality, Fulfilling Life you Deserve!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Bipolar II Disorder: A Brain Disorder That Can Make Your Life Difficult To Live

The most important organ in the human body is the brain, without it, the human body cannot function at all. The brain is like the microprocessor of a computer that is responsible for controlling everything. From your basic motor skills to making your body organs function to making decisions, everything is controlled by the brain.

This is why it is important that you should also be aware of your mental health and not just your physical health.

Today, there are now a lot of known facts about the different kinds of brain disorder that can affect the way you live your daily life. Some affects your motor skills, while other kinds of brain disorders can affect your decision making skills. There are also different causes for brain disorders. Some are caused by accidents while there are also brain disorders that are acquired since birth.

One such brain disorder is called bipolar II. Bipolar II affects your mood and with this kind of brain disorder, it can make you feel constantly depressed at no reason at all. Bipolar II is also associated with at least one hypomanic episode. Unlike bipolar disorder where manic and depressive moods are always associated, bipolar II makes a person experience one or more depressive episodes and is accompanied by one hypomanic episode at the least.

During the hypomanic episode, the person with bipolar II will feel a constant elevated, irritable or expansive mood. This particular feeling will usually last up to 4 days or more. During this phase, you will see that the behavior is entirely different from a normal non-depressed mood. The symptoms associated with bipolar II hypomanic episodes are quite similar to bipolar disorder during manic episodes but is less severe.

The major depression episodes associated with bipolar II can make a person feel excessively depressed and can make him or her feel that they are useless. The person suffering from this illness will also make them pessimistic and make them feel helpless. In severe cases of bipolar II disorder, the person may even think of death or suicide and even makes suicide attempts.

The hypomanic episodes associated with bipolar II is usually not severe enough that it can affect a person suffering from this disorder with their social activities, performance at work or school and there are no psychotic features. It is considered that if a person experiences four of more hyponamic and depressive episodes in a single year, the person has a rapid-cycling bipolar disorder. The particular cycling period will develop during the course of the illness. This means that the longer that the illness is left untreated, the more frequent the person will suffer from the illness.

You have to consider that bipolar II is a version of bipolar disorder. However, the depressive episodes are more obvious than the manic episodes. Bipolar II is not classified as manic-depression, but only large mood and energy swings. However, there are also severe forms of bipolar II where the person suffering from it can make him prone to commit suicide.

As you can see, bipolar II is a very serious illness that should not be left unchecked. As soon as you notice the signs and symptoms for bipolar II, it is important that you should seek help immediately. You have to consider that bipolar II has treatments that can minimize the effect of the illness in your daily life. The treatment will consist of psychotherapy, and medications that can normalize your mood. It is also important that your family and friends should fully support you in order to help you fully recover.

The therapy will also include helping you to cope up with the illness. It will include different methods that you can use to minimize the effect of the illness.

Bipolar II, like the bipolar disorder, is a long term illness that needs constant long term care and management. With patience, you will be able to take control of your life again and minimize the negative effects of bipolar II.

Be aware of bipolar II and live a more normal and productive lifestyle. Never be a slave of this illness again by detecting it early on and getting it treated.

Learn The Real Truth About How To Cope, Manage And Control Bipolar Disorder And Live The High Quality, Fulfilling Life you Deserve!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Bipolar Handbook: A Complete Guide about Manic Depressive Illnesses

There are many people who are unaware or are uninformed about the different kinds of mental disorders. One kind of mental disorder is called bipolar disorder. This particular disorder is also called manic-depressive illness where the sufferer will show symptoms of constant mood change.
The person suffering from this kind of disorder will constantly change from being excessively happy, to excessively sad to normal state and back again. The cycle repeats again over a period of a few minutes to a month. Some cases have cycles that lasts more than a month.

You have to consider that this kind of disorder is a very serious mental condition where it can affect a person's everyday life. You have to consider that with this illness the person suffering will have problems with their relationships, and also have problems regarding their performance at work or at school.

Bipolar disorder usually shows its signs and symptoms during late adolescent years to early adulthood. However, there are some cases where the signs and symptoms will show up as early as childhood to later in life. Although there are no significant theories supporting the causes of bipolar disorder, there are informative books that can help you determine if a person has bipolar disorder and help you cope up with it.

One such book is called the "The Bipolar Handbook". Written by Wes Burgess, M.D, PhD, a well known Los Angeles psychiatrist, the "The Bipolar Handbook" is comprised of comprehensive information about the illness. This particular handbook can be helpful in informing you about the bipolar disorder where it can affect almost anyone.

This book is based upon real questions of patients and families regarding the disorder. This book is considered to be one of the best books available to know more about bipolar disorder. It is easy to read and contains all the information about bipolar disorder and how you can cope up with it. There are also different home diagnostic included that can teach you and the family to know whether you have a bipolar disorder or not.

Another great thing about this book is that it contains different information about bipolar disorder and how it is treated. It also includes theories about the causes of bipolar disorder, the different medical and psychotherapy treatments, and also different healthy lifestyle for people with bipolar disorder. You can consider this book as a self-help book for bipolar disorder sufferers where they will be informed about the condition and how they can cope up with it. The book is also useful for families for taking care of their family member with bipolar disorder.

You should consider that the author, Wes Burgess is a respected psychiatrist all over the world who specializes in bipolar disorder. This means that you can be sure that the book will contain accurate and comprehensive information about the different aspect of the illness. This book contains real questions with up to date answers about bipolar disorder.

With this book, you will be able to know how to cope up with bipolar disorder and help yourself live a healthier and more productive lifestyle. It will also contain different information about the different medications available for bipolar disorder and what you should do when you have an episode or attack of mood change.

Here are some quick review of what's inside the book and what to expect in it:

- What to expect when pursuing a diagnosis

- How to choose the doctor or specialist for you

- How to get bipolar disorder under control

- How to reduce stress to prevent both manic and depressive phase

- What kind of treatments and medications available and what's best for you

- What family and friends can do with bipolar disorder

These are some of the things that you can expect to read in the book. You can also expect to read different strategies for coping with bipolar disorder in order to be successful in your career and, build a healthy and working relationship with your significant other, friends, and families.

You have to remember that there is no cure for bipolar disorder. The best thing you can do is to have it treated, and live your life as best as you can with the disorder. You have to consider that the illness is manageable and with this book, you will know how to effectively manage bipolar disorder.

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Monday, July 19, 2010

Medicine or Talk Therapy: Common Bipolar Disorder Treatment

It is not forever that you or your loved one will suffer from the destructing symptoms of bipolar disorder. There are ways to combat the said illness such as undergoing bipolar disorder treatment.

There are two types of bipolar disorder treatment, pharmacological and psychotherapeutic.

Pharmacological treatment refers to the use of medicine. Commonly, medicines are used to stabilize intense mood swings caused by depression and mania. Some medications are also prescribed to control attacks of severe anxiety. Pharmacological treatment is categorized into five such as:

1. Anti-anxiety medications and sedatives

There are different types of sedatives which gives relief to individuals with bipolar disorder. This type of medication is used to help the patient achieve the amount of sleep he needs. Sedatives also help patients lessen their apprehension. Most importantly, it helps them control severe episodes of manic.

Some known sedatives used for bipolar disorder are hypnotics, tranquilizers, anxiolytics and benzodiazepines.

2. Antidepressants

Antidepressants are widely and regularly prescribed to people with bipolar disorder. There are different types of antidepressants.

- Atypical antidepressant is an example of antidepressant which is chemically not related to other antidepressants. Some examples under this type are Desyrel, Remeron and Wellbutrin.
- Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors or commonly referred to as MAOIs helps ease the symptoms of bipolar disorder. Manerix, Marplan, Nardil, and Parnate are some drugs under this type.
- Selective Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors or SNRIs is a type of antidepressants which concentrates on a neurotransmitter.
- Selective Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors or SSNRIs like the above-mentioned types of antidepressants help patients' sufferings from the many symptoms of bipolar disorder. Some known drugs related to this are Cymbalta and Effexor.
- Common examples of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors or SSRIs are Celexa, Paxil, Lexapro, Prozac, Luvox and Zoloft.
- Tricyclics antidepressant includes Anafranil, Elavil, Asendin, Norpramin, Aventyl, and Adapin.

3. Antipsychotics

This type of pharmacological treatment is referred to as "neuroleptic drugs." Common antipsychotics are sometimes termed as "major tranquilizers," because its chief responsibility is to put under sedation the patient taking it.

There are three major types of antipsychotic drugs such as atypical, typical and dopamine partial agonists. Other options for antipsychotic drugs are Symbyax and Tetrabenazine.

4. Mood Stabilizers

Mood stabilizer is a type of medication to minister "mood disorders." There are a lot of drugs to stabilize mood to use for individuals with bipolar disorder. "Lithium carbonate" is the first mood stabilizer to be approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). It is also widely used.

There are some mood stabilizers out in the market today which are not yet approved by the FDA. There are possible uneventful consequences when taking unapproved drugs. Hence it is important to consult with your physician the stabilizer that is well suited for you and is FDA approved.

5. Calcium Channel Blockers

If an individual's bipolar disorder is negligible and manageable, then calcium channel blockers may be appropriate.

The major function of calcium channel blockers is to drop the blood pressure. Additionally, it slows down the transmission of electrical activity inside the heart which then results to lowered heart rate.

There are three major categories under calcium channel blockers such as Dihydropyridine, Phenylalkylamine, and Benzonthiazepine.

Medications should be prescribed by psychiatrists proficient in analysis and treatment of mental disorders.

Another type of bipolar disorder treatment is psychotherapy which is sometimes referred to as "talk therapy."

This type of treatment encourages the patient to openly talk about the possible causes of depression. You will also have the chance to communicate about the factors which trigger incidents of bipolar disorder.

Upon knowing the causes and triggers of manic depression, then you will arrive at achievable solutions to administer or evade triggers.

There are two kinds of psychotherapy. Interpersonal therapy has a goal to help you modify your behavior so that you will have a positive relation to other people. On the other hand, cognitive-behavioral therapy aims to assess your belief and feelings that should lead you to alter your response to different events.

The pains and sufferings caused by bipolar disorder can be generally treated. Patience and perseverance is needed during the treatment period since most of the time patients undergo a long-term medication either pharmacological or psychotherapy.

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Sunday, July 18, 2010

Bipolar Disorder: Tests for Determining If a Person Has Bipolar Disorder

In order to live a normal life, it is important for a person to have good physical health. However, you should also consider that your mental health is also important. The brain is what controls everything you do in your daily life. It controls your speech, it controls your motor skills and it also controls your emotions. Although you are the person who decides whether you are in a bad mood or in a good mood, there are some people with mental disorder that cannot control their emotions.

This kind of disorder is called bipolar disorder or commonly called as manic-depressive illness. Many people call this manic-depressive illness because a person suffering from this kind of disorder cannot control their emotions or their mood. You will notice that a person suffering from bipolar disorder have constant mood swings. In one moment, you will see that they are happy and the next minute they will get depressed at no reason at all.

Bipolar disorder is a serious condition that can affect the daily activities of those affected. Since they constantly change their mood, they will have trouble with their relationships as well as their performance in school or at work. You have to consider that a lot of marriages and friendship, as well as school grades and jobs have been lost due to bipolar disorder.

This is why you should be aware of this serious problem as it can affect the way a person live their lives negatively. There are some cases that bipolar disorder sufferers have come to the point of attempting to commit suicide. The depressive phase of the disorder makes them feel useless and let them think that they are useless and should no longer exist. With this kind of thought, it will result in thinking about death and suicide and in some cases, some people who suffers from bipolar disorder commits suicide.

You will also notice that in the manic phase, the person suffering from bipolar disorder is extremely active. They are excessively optimistic, they feel euphoria, and they also feel that they can do anything. During this phase, the person will also talk a lot and talk fast, they also have increased energy, and increased sex drive.

However, during the manic phase of the bipolar disorder, the person has too much in his or her mind that they are unable to concentrate. They usually jump from one idea to another and refuse to admit that something is wrong. This is why bipolar disorder should be treated. It is a condition that can endanger the life of the sufferer and also the people around him or her.

In order to get an effective treatment for bipolar disorder, it is important that it should be detected early on. Usually, the first signs and symptoms of bipolar disorder occur during late adolescent years to early adulthood. However, there are some cases where bipolar disorder signs and symptoms occur during childhood and later in life.

In order to determine if a person has bipolar disorder, the psychiatrist will perform several tests on the patient. You have to consider that bipolar disorder cannot be detected on CAT scans or X-Rays. The only way to determine if you have a bipolar disorder is by visiting a psychiatrist. He or she will let you answer some questions about your manic and depressive moods. The test will consist of several questions, such as "I feel powerful and I feel that I can do anything", "I feel very energetic", "I don't need to sleep", and others in the manic phase. In the depressive phase, questions will be "I am really sad most of the time", "I'm always tired but I find it hard to get out of bed", "I feel restless" and others.

Both of manic and depressive phases will cause problems in relationships and at work or school. This is why it is important that if you notice that you are having problems with your emotions, you should visit your psychiatrist immediately. The psychiatrist will be able to perform a series of tests to determine if you have a bipolar disorder and what kind of bipolar disorder you have.

Bipolar disorder cannot be cured. However, this particular brain disorder can be treated. You have to consider that this is a long term illness that will require long term treatment. With patience, you will be able to live a more normal and productive life.

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Saturday, July 17, 2010

Bipolar Disorder: Treatments and Medications

The brain is one of the most important parts of the body. Without it, you will be unable to live. The brain controls every part of a human's body and is responsible for everything that you do. It is responsible for your basic motor skills, such as walking, or handling things and it is also responsible for the way you feel or your emotions.

There are different kinds of emotions that you can feel throughout your life. There are times where you are happy, and there are also times where you will feel depressed about something. This is a normal reaction to the environment. If something pleases you, you will be happy and if something bad happens, you will feel depressed.

However, there are some cases where people suffer from a brain disorder where they have no total control of their emotions. This particular disorder is called bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder is a brain disorder that can affect your emotions or your mood. It is an illness where you will have little or no control of your emotions where you will experience different kinds of emotions at fluctuating intervals. People with bipolar disorder often get depressed even when there is nothing to be depressed about. Even when you cheer that person up, you will see that it will have no effect on that person. You will also see that the mood will change to extreme euphoria where they will feel very happy and have gradual increase in their energy.

Mood change is a normal thing. However, people with bipolar disorder experiences mood changes at an interval. You will see that in one moment they are depressed and will suddenly become happy at no reason at all.

There are two classifications of symptoms for bipolar disorder. One is the manic episode, and the other is the depressive episode. In the manic episode, the person with bipolar disorder will have increased energy, talkative, unusually in a high or euphoric mood, irritable, have racing thoughts that can result in loss of concentration and jumping from one idea to another, unrealistic beliefs in their abilities and powers, increased sex drive, denial that anything is wrong, aggressive behavior, and abuse of substances, such as drugs and alcohol.

In depressive episode, the person with bipolar disorder will experience long duration of sadness, empty mood, feelings of guilt and worthlessness, feelings of hopelessness, being pessimistic, loss of interest in activities that is considered to be pleasurable such as sex, sleeping too much or can't sleep at all, feelings of irritability, and thoughts of death or suicide. Sometimes, there comes a point where they even attempt to commit suicide.

These are the two classifications of the different signs and symptoms for bipolar disorder. Because of the symptoms associated, bipolar disorder is also called manic-depressive illness. Because of the constant mood change, bipolar disorder can affect a person's social life. It can also affect a person with this disorder their job or school performance. They will also constantly experience making and losing friends because of their behavior.

You have to consider that bipolar disorder is a serious illness that should be treated with careful management. It is important that bipolar disorder should be treated immediately as soon as the signs and symptoms for it appear. Treatment will consist of psychotherapy and medication.

Psychotherapy can help the patient determine if they are going through a mood change and will also help them control their emotions better. However, there are cases where psychotherapy isn't enough. Medication is usually prescribed for bipolar disorder where it can normalize their emotions. Here are some of the mood-stabilizing medications available in the market that can effectively treat bipolar disorder:

- Lithium
- Anticonvulsant medications, such as valproate and lamotrigine

It is important that before starting a new medication for bipolar disorder, you should always consult your psychiatrist first as it may have some side effects. Depending on the medication, the side effects may include tremors, reduced sex drive, hair loss, anxiety, weight gain or loss, and dry mouth.

The treatments mentioned can effectively manage the bipolar disorder. You should consider that there is still no cure for bipolar disorder. It is a long term illness which requires long term treatment with psychotherapy and also medications.

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Friday, July 16, 2010

Sugar and Salt: My Life with Bipolar Disorder an Overview

Sugar and Salt: My Life with Bipolar Disorder is a book about a middle aged woman who had and managed to survive bipolar disorder also known as Manic-depression, but along the way experiences the bitter and sweet moments of life in a not so normal way. She only knew of her illness when she turned 32. In the book, it is vividly detailed what it is like to live in a family threatened by such an illness, how to fit in school or do work while dealing with the undiagnosed illness. She also describes her ordeal of facing the failure of her marriage and other relationships, how she tries to understand that, however she tries to live a normal life it just bounce back and still she lives a very different and more complicated life than the persons she knew. Until she admits that there is something wrong about her and that she needs professional help.

After the acceptance of the strange malady within her comes the long journey to get treatment as she tries one medication after the other after being mistaken for a psychotic. For more or less five years her life was devoted in seeking the proper knowledge and ways to approach the said disorder that she has been putting up for such a long time until the part came where she realizes that for her to get the proper treatment she needs she had to enter a mental hospital. She illustrates the life she had lived in a locked ward and how fortunate she was when her attending physician finally finds a certain medication that her disorder responds to. She feels that she had the key to break free from her long ordeal and finally she gets the normal feeling she always wanted.

As she makes progress in the medication her disorder responds to she reaches the point where she can now get out of the mental hospital and live like a normal person. Jane had to face the world on her own again and start a brand new life. She was able to get the private life she wanted and the dream job that she had been always dreaming of without her bosses and co-employees knowing her deep, dark secret. But, after ten long years, unfortunately she develops an allergy to the one and only medication that has been of very good service to her and must start the treatment all over again.

At some point in the process, she loses the job she had dreamt about and falls back into the deep ditches of depression. It is a very touching story about a woman's triumph over her bipolar disorder that for the second time has threatened her and once again she survived it. Find out how she managed to surpass it and how you too can mange the disorder through medication and therapy should you find out that you have such illness or maybe a family member experiences such a scary disease. The author, Jane Thompson has worked as a paralegal, a teacher, as a social worker not to mention as a writer. It's been several years now since she wrote for the publisher of a certain political encyclopedia and has also served as one of the medical writer for a training corporation.

It was such experiences that she came to learn how to express herself with great conciseness and accuracy. When the author decided to write her very own story which is the Sugar and Salt: My Life with Bipolar Disorder, her experience aided her in getting her work printed on paper. And so with her experience, as a medical writer and her stock knowledge about mental health issues, those made it a bit easier for her to write the said story. When the author just started, she had twenty short stories printed already and Sugar and Salt: My Life with Bipolar Disorder is her first book. Currently Jane Thompson is the author of Mosby's Clinical Nursing, a comprehensive reference in clinical nursing to be included as a reference in the educational program materials of the Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations. She is also the co-author of Secrets Volume 15: The Best in Erotic Romance, Jane Thompson was also the editor of American Express Presents Top Chefs of the Triangle and a lot more.

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Thursday, July 15, 2010

Bipolar Disorder Treatment in Children Scary or Challenging Ordeal

Bipolar disorder is a serious illness of the brain that is treatable and is also known by the term manic-depression. Its symptoms may include extreme changes in energy, thinking, behavior and mood or recurrent episodes of depression, mania. These symptoms may occur during the infancy period or early childhood, and or may come out rapidly in the stage of adolescence or adulthood. The said illness can now be diagnosed and treated in young children, but despite of the many studies conducted, some professionals still say that the cause or causes of bipolar disorder are elusive and a truly effective cure is yet to be discovered. However, the said disorder can be managed through numerous medications and other therapies.

Though the exact bipolar causing agents are not determined yet, some say that there is a scientific proof that points to a chemical imbalance in the brain as the culprit. As for the reason of such disparity, there are some viable theories which points out to a combination of environmental and heredity triggers. Some data shows that the discrepancy in the chemical messengers among the nerve cells starting at the brain or the so-called neurotransmitters that happen in individuals who have bipolar disorder. In most cases patients of such illness may have a genetic nature for the disorder. On the other hand, not every person who is related to a person who has a bipolar disorder may develop the illness.

Drug misuse and or nerve-racking or upsetting events may be some of the factors that may cause it. Individuals with such disorder often don't know how sick they are when having more than just a mood swing and how much their condition is affecting their lives and even the lives of the people within their family. Should a member of one's family show signs of a bipolar disorder, advice that person to consult the help of a psychiatrist or any professional help that may assist him or her to deal with it.

A bipolar disorder is usually characterized by the alternating pattern of emotional highs and lows and from which the intensities may vary. The so-called manic symptom includes increased talking either too much or too fast, tends to change topics too quickly or cannot be interrupted while talking. Increased sexual thoughts, feelings, or behavior; use of explicit sexual language or Hypersexuality may also occur. The child may also have the ability to go with very little sleep or no sleep for days. Some patient show overly-inflated self-esteem; or the display of grandiosity while some tend to be somewhat like distracted, the attention moves constantly from one thing to the other. Others experience increased goal-directed activity or physical agitation.

Other symptoms that characterize the said disorder are the depressive ones that include sudden lack of interest in the activities once enjoyed, trouble with sleeping or getting too much sleep, feelings of unimportance or unsuitable guilt, significant change of mood and or frequent thoughts of death or even suicidal tendencies. Should the disorder remain untreated some complications may rise such as Anxiety Disorder or even Psychosis, where in the personality of a person may be disorganized and has difficulty getting in touch with reality. It may also result to destructive effects on relationships as it may be with financial problems resulting from overspending in the event of a manic episode up to nearly complete seclusion and abandonment in the depressive stage.

Bipolar disorder in teenagers can be effectively treated. Treatments usually start on the education of the patient and the family about the disease, prevention of the episodes and psychotherapy. Medications on the other hand help prevent episodes. Medications such as mood stabilizers like lithium and valporic acid often lessens the severity of manic episodes and may help prevent depression. Meanwhile, psychotherapy aids the patients in understanding what he or she is going through, understand himself or herself, cope up with the stresses, improve relationships and rebuild self-esteem.

Some diagnoses that mask or sometimes occur along with bipolar disorder include depression, conduct disorder (C.D.), oppositional-defiant disorder (ODD),ADHD, panic disorder, generalized anxiety disorder and so much more. There is a great possibility that bipolar disorder may be misdiagnosed with these other disorders. Even if a child's behavior is unquestionably not normal, correct diagnosis remains challenging. The proper treatment for the Bipolar Disorder clears up the bothersome symptoms thought to indicate another diagnosis.

The analysis of Bipolar Disorder in children and teens is intricate and involves careful judgment and or observation. A careful assessment by a child and adolescent psychiatrist makes out Bipolar Disorder and the start of the treatment.

Learn The Real Truth About How To Cope, Manage And Control Bipolar Disorder And Live The High Quality, Fulfilling Life you Deserve!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Bipolar Disorder for Dummy: Simplified Explanation of What Bipolar Disorder Is and How You Can Cope With It

The brain is one of the most important parts of the body. Think of the brain as the part of your body that controls everything you do in your daily life. It controls everything from walking, talking, and other motor skills that you do. However, you should also consider that the brain also controls your emotions and your mood. This means that the brain is also responsible for you being happy or angry.

The brain is the most active part of the brain and even while you sleep, the brain continues to function. Since the brain controls everything about your body, you should consider that getting it damaged can cause some irregularities in your daily function. In some cases, some brain disorder is present since birth. One brain disorder is called bipolar disorder or also called manic depressive illness. This particular disorder affects the person's mood and emotions.

You will notice when a person is suffering from bipolar disorder when they constantly change their behavior. You will see that one moment they will be extremely happy and the next minute, they will feel depressed and back again to being happy. Although mood changes happen to everyone, you have to consider that normal mood change will take some time to happen. The abnormal mood change suggests that this person has a bipolar disorder.

Depending on the severity of the disorder, unusual and extreme mood change can last for a few minutes to as long as a month. Because of this unusual behavior, it can dramatically affect their social life as well as their performance at work or at school. You should consider that this is a very serious condition where it has to be managed carefully in order for a person with bipolar disorder lead a normal life.

There are cases where bipolar disorder is left untreated and results in dangerous situation, such as suicide attempts and substance abuse. This is why you should be careful when someone in your family or your circle of friends have this particular condition as it can be dangerous for the people around them and also for themselves as well.

Bipolar disorder has no cure but there are treatments available in order for people with this disorder lead a more normal life. Psychotherapy is one of the best treatments for bipolar disorder where a person with this condition can learn how to control their unstable emotions and also know when there is an attack of mood changes happening. With psychotherapy, people with bipolar disorder can distinguish between what's normal and what's not.

There are also medications available that can stabilize the mood changes to normal levels and prevents it from getting out of control. It is important that once you notice something unusual about a family member or a friend's behavior, you should seek help for them immediately as people with bipolar disorder are very unpredictable and can think and attempt to commit of suicide anytime.

If it is possible, you should recommend that they should see a psychiatrist. You have to be insistent because people with bipolar disorder often deny that there is something wrong with them and they will be aggressive.

Bipolar disorder is a serious long term condition that requires long term treatment with psychotherapy and medications. There is no cure for it but there are treatments for it that will enable people with bipolar disorder lead a healthier and more normal life.

Carefully managing this condition can result in a more productive life for the person with bipolar disorder. It is also important that the family of the person with this condition should continually support him or her.

Early detection can result in a much more productive lifestyle for the person suffering from this disorder. So, you noticed some irregular change in a person's behavior or mood, you should immediately refer to a psychiatrist about the symptoms. They will be able to conduct a diagnosis about the condition and will recommend therapy and medication that can help them lead a normal and more productive life.

Bipolar disorder is a disabling medical condition that can result in unproductive and abnormal lifestyle. They will suffer from social problems, and their physical health will also deteriorate if not treated.

These are some of the things you should know about bipolar disorder in order for you to know how you can cope up with it.

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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Your Child and Bipolar Disorder: What You Should Know and What You Should Do

As a parent, your child is one of the most important persons in the world. It is a fact that parents are normally concerned about their child and ensures getting the best health possible in order for them to grow up happy. You should consider that as a parent, you should not only be concerned about your child's physical health but you should also be considered with their mental health as well.

It is a fact that there are certain brain disorders that can develop on childhood and can get worse as they grow up. As a parent, you should be aware of your child's activity in order to know if they have normal brain function. You have to consider that there are a lot of people today who has brain disorder called bipolar disorder. This particular brain disorder can affect a person's social life, and it can also affect their daily activities. If your child has a bipolar disorder, it can affect their performance in school and also their relationship with other kids and even their relationship with their parents.

Bipolar disorder is also called manic depressive illness where it can cause unusual mood shifts. You will see that your child has bipolar disorder if they shift from being unusually happy to being depressed or sad and back again to being happy happening almost instantly. The symptoms for bipolar disorder can be normally seen during early adulthood or on late adolescent years. However, you have to consider that bipolar disorder symptoms can also appear as early as childhood but most parents are not well-informed about this disorder and consider their child's unusual behavior as normal.

You have to consider that bipolar disorder can affect your child's life as they grow up. It can cause relationship problems and can severely affect their daily functions. This is why you should be aware of the signs and symptoms of bipolar disorder. Here are some signs and symptoms of bipolar disorder in order for you to detect if your child has this condition at its early stages:

- Excessive happiness
- Excessive depression
- Increased energy
- Sleeplessness
- Excessive irritability
- Talks very fast
- Unrealistic beliefs of their ability and powers
- Poor judgment
- Aggressive behavior

As you can see, a child with bipolar disorder is very hard to detect. Some parents even consider that these behaviors are normal and will disappear once they reach a certain age. So, in order for you to know if your child has this condition, you should take notice on their mood. If they shift from being happy to being sad and depressed and back to being happy again at a very quick interval, there is a chance that your child has bipolar disorder.

If you notice this mood changes in your child, you should consult your pediatrician immediately where they will be able to recommend a psychiatrist. The psychiatrist will be the one who will treat your child and they will also be the one to prescribe some medications.

You have to consider that bipolar disorder has no cure. But, there are treatments that your child can go through in order to develop an effective way to control their mood and also their behavior. There are medications for bipolar disorder available today where it can normalize your child's mood.

It is extremely important that your child should be immediately treated for this kind of disorder in order to prevent it from becoming any worse. If left untreated, your child can grow up and develop severe bipolar disorder that can lead to thoughts of suicide and attempt it.

Effective treatment for bipolar disorder means that it should be detected and diagnosed early in life. This means that once you notice that your child has an unusually behavior, you should immediately consult your pediatrician or your psychiatrist. They will be able to determine if they have bipolar disorder or not by basing on the symptoms shown.

As a parent, your child is one of the most important persons in the world. It is just right that you should be concerned about their physical and mental health. With proper care and also with support, you will ensure that your child will grow up normally and can fight bipolar disorder throughout their lives.

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Monday, July 12, 2010

Bipolar Disorder: A Crippling Disease That You Should Be Aware Of

Many people believe that having a perfectly healthy body means that they will be able to live a normal and productive life. However, having a healthy body alone is not enough in order to live a normal life. You have to consider that mental health is also very important. Besides, the brain is the organ that controls everything in your body. Having a brain defect means that it can have significant impact on the way you live your daily life.

You have to consider that there are several kinds of brain disorder. Some types of brain disorder can affect your basic motor skills, some can affect your senses, some can affect the memory, and some can affect the emotions and moods of a person. Bipolar disorder is one of the many brain diseases existing today. This particular brain disorder can have negative impact in your life because this disease affects a part of the brain that controls emotions and moods.

With a bipolar disorder, you can never have complete control of your moods and emotions. It will cycle from manic episodes to depressive episodes that can disable you in your daily tasks. The psychological symptoms for bipolar disorder include mania and depression. These are the two classifications of bipolar disorder and this is also the reason why this disease is also called manic-depressive illness.

In the manic episodes, the person suffering with bipolar disorder will experience excessive euphoria or a feeling of high. This means that the mood of a person is at a high where he or she has increased energy, feeling of not needing to sleep, racing thoughts, and also confusion about certain ideas. You will notice that a person that suffers from mania jumps from one idea to another and will seem that they can never make up their mind about it. Another factor that you should consider in the manic episodes of bipolar disorder is that the person will be extremely optimistic, very irritable and cannot concentrate well. They will never admit that something is wrong.

In the depressive episode, the person suffering from bipolar disorder will experience excessive depression. The mood will be excessively sad, very pessimistic, decreased or no interest in doing an activity that is pleasurable which includes sex, and they will often think about death and suicide. In severe cases of bipolar disorder in the depressive episode, the person suffering will actually commit suicide.

As you can see, this particular disease is a very serious illness that needs careful management and care. Because of the constant cycle of the moods of the person suffering from bipolar disorder, they will never be able to concentrate on their daily tasks. This means that having bipolar disorder can disable you because it can affect your performance level at work or at school negatively. You should also consider that because of the effects of bipolar disorder, the person suffering from this illness will also have a poor social life and will often have relationship problems.

Bipolar disorder has no cure. However, there are treatments available today that can effectively manage the disease. The treatment will include psychotherapy, and medications. Sometimes, the psychiatrist will combine the therapy and medication to effectively manage bipolar disorder.

It is important to remember that there is no cure for bipolar disorder and this particular disease is considered as a long term illness that needs long term careful management and care. Also, bipolar disorder can never be detected through X-rays or CAT scans. The diagnosis is purely based on the symptoms shown. So, if you notice that you or a member of your family is showing some symptoms of bipolar disorder, it is important that you should seek help immediately. The psychiatrist you go to will be able to give you some effective bipolar disorder management strategies that you can use to minimize the effect of the illness. The specialist will also prescribe some medications that can reduce the effects of bipolar disorder

Always remember that careful management and care is the key to treat bipolar disorder. This disease is something that you will live with for the rest of your life and knowing how to effectively manage and treat it will mean that you will be able to take control of your moods and emotions again.

Learn The Real Truth About How To Cope, Manage And Control Bipolar Disorder And Live The High Quality, Fulfilling Life you Deserve!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Bipolar Disorder: What You Should Know About This Illness

It is important for people to function daily in the society in order to work, and whatever their daily activities are. In order to function properly, your health should also be in good condition especially your brain. You have to consider that your brain is what controls most part of your body and as well as your decision and other psychological factors. Emotions and your mood is also controlled by a certain part of the brain.

However, what if you have or someone you know has brain disorder? With a brain disorder, you have to consider that it can definitely affect your daily task. Even controlling your emotions and your mood can be difficult. One kind of disorder of the brain is called bipolar disorder. This kind of disorder can affect ones ability to function properly in their daily lives. It can affect several aspects, such as the emotion, mood, and also your body's energy.

Bipolar disorder is also known as manic depressive illness. This particular illness causes unusual shifts in the person's brain. Normally, people experience ups and downs in life. However, with a bipolar disorder, the person affected will experience severe mood change. As you can see, bipolar disorder can affect everything about a person's lives. With this disorder, it can result in relationship problems, poor job and school performance, and in some cases, it can even lead to suicide.

However, if you know someone affected with this kind of disorder, it doesn't mean that you should lose hope in getting their lives back on track. Bipolar disorder can be treated. It is a known fact that people who went through treatment for bipolar disorder have been able to get their lives back on track and lead a normal and productive life.

Bipolar disorder usually develops during the late adolescent years or early adulthood. However, there are some people who show early symptoms of bipolar disorder during childhood. There are also some people who develop this disorder later in life. Bipolar disorder is commonly not recognized as an illness, and it is a fact that people may suffer from bipolar disorder until it becomes severe and diagnosed properly. You have to consider that bipolar disorder is a long term illness which also requires long term treatment. This particular brain disorder should be carefully managed throughout their life.

There are some signs and symptoms that you may notice associated with bipolar disorder. It will include dramatic mood swings from being excessively happy to being irritable to being hopeless or sad. This happens in intervals and mood changes are quite noticeable. Here are some specific signs and symptoms that a person with bipolar disorder shows:

- Excessively happy or euphoric mood
- Increased energy, and restlessness
- Quickly distracted
- Racing thoughts, talks unusually fast, and jumps from one idea to another
- Little sleep needed
- Spending sprees
- Poor judgment
- Unrealistic beliefs in their abilities
- Increased sexual drive
- Drug abuse, such as cocaine, sleeping medications, and alcohol abuse
- Aggressive behavior
- Denial that anything is wrong

In severe cases, a person who has bipolar disorder thinks and attempts suicide. People who have this brain disorder feel that they are useless and it's better to end their lives.

As you can see, bipolar disorder is a very serious illness that you should be aware of. It is important that if you see any irregularities in a person's behavior, they should get treated immediately and not wait for it to become any worse.

It is important if the person is feeling suicidal you should immediately call a doctor and seek emergency assistance immediately. It is also important that the person should not be allowed, and make sure that they don't have any access to large amount of medication where they can overdose on it, weapons such as knife and gun, and other items that they can use to inflict harm to themselves.

Bipolar can be treated with medication and psychiatric therapy. With patience, the person with this disorder can lead a normal and productive life.

You have to consider that this particular disorder has no cure and requires a lifetime of medication and psychotherapy. So, if you suspect that a member of your family or one of your friends has this disorder, you can help them by taking them to a psychiatrist where they can be treated.

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