It is believed that knowledge is very important to fight bipolar disorder. Information can help in the recovery of a person and foster acceptance of one's self and relate to other people within a community. The motivation of patients to communicate with their health care providers has a greater chance of attaining a successful result. There was even a documented report that patients with chronic illnesses felt better because they had regular doctor visits.
There is an estimated two million Americans who are affected by this manic-depressive disorder. This is often disruptive and distressing similar to other serious disorders. It is also difficult to handle for spouses, friends, family members, and employers. They must cope up with some severe behavioral problems like uncontrollable spending sprees and its long-term consequences.
A bipolar disorder pertains to a brain disorder that is considered a serious problem. It is an illness of the mind involving serious episodes of depression and mania. The mood swings of a person ranges from extremely irritable and high to hopeless and sad, and vice versa. However, in between this swings, normal mood and behavior still occurs.
This type of disorder normally begins in early adulthood or adolescence and goes on throughout life. The only problem is that this is not recognized as a disease and a person affected by a bipolar disorder needlessly suffers for years and even for decades.
A bipolar disorder is believed to be inherited. It runs in families in most cases. However, in spite of vigorous research, a specified genetic defect related with the illness is not yet determined. A child below twelve years old can be already diagnosed with a bipolar disorder. Although, this is not very common for this age range, careful analysis is important since it can be misinterpreted as an attention-deficit or hyperactivity disorder.
But keep in mind that several studies are conducted by doctors of various universities in the United States to discover the brain's activity associated with bipolar disorder to develop a successful treatment plan. Treatments that are effective are widely available and greatly alleviate sufferings brought by a bipolar disorder. It also prevents devastating complications such as job loss, drug and alcohol abuse, marital breakups, and suicide.
All people affected by a bipolar disorder especially those people with severe cases can get substantial stabilization regarding mood swings. One medication which is very effective is lithium. It can control mania and prevent recurrence of depressive and manic episodes. Recently, mood anticonvulsants valproate and carbamazepine are found very useful for treating refractory episodes of a bipolar disorder. Typically, these medicines are mixed with lithium to get maximum effect.
Anticonvulsants medicines are theorized by some scientists as promoters of kindling on a person affected by a bipolar disorder. It is a process wherein the brain increasingly became stress sensitive and eventually starts to manifests abnormal activity episodes without the stressor. Thus lithium is blocking the kindling process early stages in which valproate and carbamazepine act later. Valproate has been approved recently by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) for treating acute mania.
Adolescents and children having a bipolar disorder are treated generally with lithium. However, valproate and carbamazepine are also utilized. Benzodiazepine with high potency such as lorazepam and clonazepam are also helpful for insomnia. Another valuable form of treatment is the thyroid augmentation.
Various kinds of antidepressants are useful for treating depression especially when mixed with valproate, carbamazepine, or lithium. ECT or electroconvulsive therapy is helpful for treating mixed mania and severe depression which failed to respond on certain medications.
Psychotherapy is another good option. It provides support, guidance, and education not only to the patient but also to her or his family. Mood chart is also vital. In this way, mood swings are kept in track. Whatever patterns that are created, the illness are correctly assessed with the help of a health care provider. Thus an effective strategic plan is developed to handle mood swings successfully.
Since, manic-depressive disease is recurrent, a prolonged prophylactic treatment is recommended. A bipolar disorder that is untreated having occasional hypomania episodes and repetitive depressions is called bipolar II.
However, regardless of choosing either the accepted or fought mind frame, a bipolar disorder's nature demands patients to participate in the treatment process.
Learn The Real Truth About How To Cope, Manage And Control Bipolar Disorder And Live The High Quality, Fulfilling Life you Deserve!
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